lundi 13 octobre 2014


10/10/2014 :

EASA Committee votes for more time before applying the new training organisation rules

At the EASA Committee on the 8 and 9 October 2014, the Member States voted positively for the three years extension of the applicability date for the Aircrew Regulation. Included in the changes were many other proposals from the General Aviation (GA) community for the amendment to the Aircrew Regulation. The Agency in cooperation with the Commission, Member States and the GA community worked together for presenting alleviations that will ensure a more proportionate approach and will enable the GA activity in Europe in the future.
Amongst the measures proposed are:
  • Deferment of ‘training organisation’ (ATO) requirements for non-professional licenses to 2018, allowing the development of a complementary solution for pilot training outside ATO, for example flying clubs;
  • Reduces the audit frequency up to one every 4 years for ‘training organisations’ ATOs involved in non-professional licenses;
  • Acceptance of third country ‘non-professional’ licenses for competition and display flights;
  • Examination of student-pilots by the examiner even when he/she has acted as their instructor.

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